
05 December 2012

Bangkok City Hotel

One of my friends is in Bangkok for a holiday. I'm freaking envious. I wish I was in Bangkok. Oh well, 2 more months to wait.

Every time someone I know goes to Thailand, the first question I ask is: which hotel are you staying at? In this case, the hotel is Bangkok City Hotel.

The rooms look decent. The prices are great and their website offers the same prices as Agoda. That said, Agoda offers 5-7% off to holders of many credit cards in Singapore, e.g. DBS.

The hotel even has family rooms, which certainly makes it easier than all those hotels where the maximum occupancy is just 2 adults. I will certainly keep it in mind for any trips involving the mother-in-law.

Free breakfast, free WiFi, free car park, it's all good. Although I'd never rent a car in the middle of Bangkok. My friend says there's plenty of food stalls nearby, it's always nice to grab a little snack just before going back to the hotel for the night.

My only gripe (and it's a major one) with this hotel is the location. The hotel's website says it's 10 minutes' walk from the nearest BTS, Ratchathewi Station. Looking at the map, I'd say that's probably closer to 15 minutes. It's a big problem for me as the location would completely stop my mid-afternoon breaks back at my hotel.

02 December 2012

My Top Thailand Travel Tip

I love Thailand. I have travelled to many different parts of Thailand and would love to stay there months at a time.

But not everybody goes to Thailand and manages to come back without having been had by scammers. Although most scams involve you getting cheated out of your money (and I'll get to those in subsequent posts), my top Thailand travel tip is what I think is the worst scam of all, one that involves intimidation and threats of physical violence.

Please keep this one in mind if you go to any of the beach destinations in Thailand. I suppose this excludes Krabi though as I read here that Krabi's doing much better at preserving their beaches.

My top Thailand travel tip is: Never rent jet skis

Jet skis might look like fun but they can seriously ruin your holiday. The jet ski rental scam occurs in beach destinations all over Thailand but cases in Phuket have probably had more exposure, most famously in UK's TV Show Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand a couple of years ago.

Despite this, I regularly read about more tourists falling prey to this scam. I often also find articles saying that the authorities are getting the situation under control but I seriously doubt this can ever be a 100% thing. Thai authorities are rather well-known for not following through.

Victims of this scam are subject to intimidation and threats of physical violence, which really makes it worse than all other scams.

The way it works is: You rent a jet ski and have your fun on it for a short while but when you return it, the owner finds some damage. He asks for a huge amount, often something like 50000 or 75000 baht (which is $2000-3000) in compensation. Naturally you argue that you didn't cause this damage. That's when the owner's pals gather around you and threaten violence if you don't pay up. Even if you somehow manage to get the police involved in this and they manage to negotiate a reduction, you will still have to pay something like 15000 or 20000 baht (still a hefty $500-800) to the jet ski owner.

It's better to be safe than sorry. Do not risk your holidays for 30 minutes of fun. That jet ski owner may look friendly before you decide to rent from him but that might change as soon as you return to the beach on his jet ski.

Doraemon Gangnam Style

This video seriously cracks me up.

Doraemon is so cute trying to do some Gangnam Style moves but his arms are just too short.

30 November 2012

Brazilian Ghost Elevator Prank

Just saw this on Yahoo Singapore.

Extremely funny for us but horribly, hair-raisingly, heart-attack-inducingly scary for these poor people. All very clever though.

Google Nexus 4

To buy or not to buy Google Nexus 4, that is the question. I was seriously tempted to spring for this phone yesterday morning.

I went through all the steps. And for people like me located outside the US, that includes a few annoying steps, such as connecting via VPN and updating all my addresses in Google's services to US addresses before I was even allowed to get to the Google Play page.

I went all the way to the last page and just needed to click on that last button. But I ended up not pulling the trigger.

Two reasons:
1. The price.
The phone itself is US$299.00 for the 8gb version and US$349.00 for the 16gb one. It's another US$14 for shipping within the US. So even without the price of the shipping to Singapore, that's more than the magical tax mark of S$400 and this means I'd have to add at least another S$30 in my contribution to the taxman.

2. The long wait
Yesterday morning it was 7-8 weeks for the 8gb and 2-3 weeks for the 16gb. It's now 1 more week of waiting time. 2-3 weeks for the 16gb is acceptable but this combined with the extra US$50, I just opted to keep at it on my iPhone 4 for a while longer.

The Google Nexus 4 sure looks great though. I could just lick it. If only I had been brought up to be a big spender. Or even a moderate spender.

28 November 2012


Holy cow! This just proves you really do learn something everyday.

Saw a picture of this item on and going by the Mangroomer name, I thought maybe this is a pubic hair groomer. At least I knew those existed.

But as you can see from these pictures below, that's not what it is.

Yep, it's a back hair shaver.

That's a new one on me. I guess we don't see these so often in Asia because we just don't have hairy backs like some Westerners do.

Egh! The video further below is hilarious though, especially the guy at 6:19.

23 November 2012

US Shipping - Borderless Buys

I wanted to locate the US-shipping service provider that grants some perks to American Express cardholders. But navigating through Amex Singapore's website proved futile.

A quick search on Google and found it:, which basically just uses ComGateway but with some added benefits to people like me.

I have never used this service but these perks do seem rather interesting:
- Free upgrades to Express Delivery
- Automatic upgrade to Prime Membership, the highest membership tier offered by comGateway

With all this Black Friday mania going on, maybe I'll get to use them soon.

14 November 2012

Who is Mary Kate Olsen dating?

Holy cow. This is so disgusting.

Mary Kate Olsen is dating Olivier Sarkozy, half-brother of Nicolas Sarkozy!

She's 26 and he's 42. But in the picture below, he looks 60 and she looks 10. Does not help that he's holding and kissing her like this. He's no Dad giving a good night kiss to his youngest daughter.

12 November 2012

Selena Gomez breaks it off with Justin Bieber

A few days ago, Selena Gomez finally dumped Justin Bieber.

Somehow this took a lot of people by surprise, including members of the press. This really just shows how blind all these people are. Anybody with half a brain should have seen this coming.

Here's a couple of reasons why Selena dumped Bieber.

1. He's gay. Looking at this picture below, can there really be any doubt? She did a flash forward to 5 years from now when most of his female fans will be sick and tired of Bieber, so he will finally have nothing to lose (and only some last gasp attention to gain) by calling a press conference to announce he has always been gay.

2. She got tired of having to look so damn young. She looks about 13 in the picture below and it's all because she had to dress younger to match Bieber's barely-out-of-primary-school looks.

Well she's not 13. She's 20! She'd get many more movie roles if she could afford to look her age.

09 November 2012

Fave Songs 005: Adele - Skyfall

Didn't think too much of this song the first few times I listened to it but it's been stuck in my head all day. Skyfall by Adele.

08 November 2012

Daniel Craig and The 007 Job

Read this article on Yahoo yesterday about all the people who were considered for the James Bond role that went to Daniel Craig a few years ago.

Out of these actors, these 4 guys were shortlisted. Seeing this shortlist, I'm now 100% behind Daniel Craig as James Bond. Not that I really minded him as James Bond to start with - although I was a bit gutted when they decided to move away from Pierce Brosnan.

1. Sam Worthington
Can't really picture him as James Bond now. But then again, if he had got the James Bond job, then he most likely wouldn't have been in Avatar and Clash/Wrath Of The Titans. Looking at this picture below, maybe, just maybe.

But James Bond really shouldn't be an Australian.

2. Henry Cavill
Other than having heard that he'll play Superman in next year's reboot, I didn't know anything about this guy, didn't even know what he looks like. Looking at the picture below, I can certainly see it.

And he's British.

The trouble of course is that he was only 22 or 23 by the time Daniel Craig got the job. That's certainly too young for James Bond.

3. Goran Visnjic
I just can't see this one at all. A Croatian James Bond? Come on.

4. Alex O'Loughlin
Another one I just can't picture after The Back-up Plan and him stinking up my TV screen nearly every week on Hawaii Five-O.

But maybe if he had got the James Bond job, he wouldn't have needed to cuddle up to JLo.

And again, James Bond shouldn't be an Australian.

07 November 2012

Fave Songs 004: Sacred Spirit - Yeha Noha

Bumped into this on YouTube the other day: Yeha Noha by Sacred Spirit.

I used to listen to this song for ages during my University years.

05 November 2012

Girls at Comic-Con

Just some videos of Comic-Con babes.

Looks like it's not just The Big Bang Theory type of nerds who go there after all.

04 November 2012

Singapore Straits Times - Journalism At Its Very Best, NOT!

One week after it was first published in the Singapore Straits Times that Muhammad Hasnor Hashim earns $7000 a month as a cabby, a couple of stories in today's Straits Times have made a few things clear.

1. Muhammad Hasnor Hashim is an attention-seeking liar. Or maybe he just agreed to say whatever Straits Times wanted him to say to get his 15 minutes of fame.

2. Straits Times is a joke of a newspaper.

This one has been clear for a while now, this latest episode simply confirms it.

This all means last week's article was not even verified. The Straits Times journalists are simply fed the stories and completely believe whatever people tell them. No fact-checking, not even a mental "does this even make sense?" check. Almost everybody on HardwareZone forums has doubted this story ever since it first came out but apparently this didn't seem even remotely weird to anybody at Straits Times. Real journalism is alive and well in Singapore.

And this week's articles come with not even an apology or even a firing of the said "journalist" and her editors. Instead we get a pathetic article that, I guess, tries to explain how this came about. But really, it's all just a bunch of bullshit. Straits Times failed big time with this and did not even have the decency of taking responsibility and apologising. Instead they are trying to shift all the blame to Muhammad Hasnor Hashim.

Last Week

This Week

Darth Vader in Disneyland

This is a great little video.

Now that Disney has purchased LucasFilm for $4.05b, Darth Vader has decided to check out this new universe and look for potential new allies

Can't really tell if he's having any fun in the process though. He's fairly hard to read.

Robert Pattinson 101

Holy crap!! What's this I see on Yahoo's main page? Robert Pattinson is a serious method actor!

He's even more stupid than I thought. Not only did he go back to Kristen Stewart after she screwed an ugly old guy but now apparently it's been revealed he tries much harder than he really needs to.

Face it Robert, the only thing you have to do in Twilight is look pale and look pretty. You don't even have to take your shirt off, that's Wolf Boy's job.

Speaking of him going back to Kristen Stewart, I really hope that's just for the sake of the upcoming release of the last Twilight movie. We all know the movie's earnings would have taken a hit if these two were no longer together.

Once January rolls along, I hope to see the breakup.

03 November 2012

Sweet Countdown

Found this ultracool-looking countdown widget at

This is just a sample I've done for my next trip.

02 November 2012

Fave Songs 003: Enigma - Return To Innocence

Another of my favourite songs: Return To Innocence by Enigma.

Sadeness is the song that started it all for Enigma and raised so much fury among the religious folks. It's also the song from which I take my screen names. But Return To Innocence is their best song.

All that said, nearly 20 years after Sadeness, the religious folks probably can't turn on the radio without getting pissed at a song. LOL!

31 October 2012

Jetstar Asia's 100 Million Passengers Sale

Jetstar Asia's 100 Million Passengers Sale is now on until 5 November, 23:59. Link can be found here.

Travel dates are 8 to 31 Jan 2013 and 21 Feb to 26 Mar 2013. Neatly skirting the entire Chinese New Year period.

Pisses me off though, I have a flight from Bangkok to Singapore on 23 Feb. This could have saved me about $75.

30 October 2012

Blackburn's New Manager

Blackburn's search for a new Manager is quickly reaching ridiculous lengths. But one should really not be surprised given that Shebby Singh is in charge of this search.

Shebby is the bloody idiot who somehow managed to get a pundit job on TV a few years ago and still completely sucked at it. And Blackburn's owners Venky's recently gave him a job as director of football. Just this alone should be enough to prove to Blackburn fans that Venky's know nuts about football. They most likely saw Shebby on ESPN and thought that was a good enough reason to give him the job. At the time though, even my wife thought Shebby was completely full of shit.

The gossip today tells us that Diego Maradona is the latest name to be offered the job. Why not use your newly found miracle job as a way to get in touch with one of the greatest footballers of all time eh?

When I'm made Director at the Singapore Slingers, I'll be getting in touch with Michael Jordan for the coach position.

29 October 2012

AVN Adult Entertainment Expo

Well well well. A possible trip to the US looks like it might coincide with the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2013 to be held 17-19 January 2013 at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

Daily VIP Passes are at $85 and General Admission Passes are at $65.

I'll only be free on the 19th anyway, so if I do go, I'll most likely spring for a VIP Pass. Some details, such as the parties and stage shows, are still missing from the website. I'll wait for these to be put up before making a final decision.

Meanwhile I've been looking up some YouTube videos to get an idea of how it'll be. Embedded 4 of these below. Looks like good fun.

Machete Attack In Pattaya

Wow a machete attack on Soi LK Metro last night in Pattaya. But thankfully no foreigners involved in this one, just Thais doing their thing.

27 October 2012

Cat Hates Collar

Another cute animal video.

This poor kitty just can't wait to get rid of that collar and its annoying little bell.

Fave Songs 002: Guns N' Roses - November Rain

One of the best rock ballads of all time: November Rain by Guns N' Roses.

This brings back a lot of memories from my teenage years.

Pattaya ladyboys arrested

According to Pattaya One, 40 ladyboys were arrested last night on Beach Road and Walking Street. They were subsequently let go after a 100 baht fine and a warning to not be seen in these areas again.

The plan is to improve Pattaya's image in preparation for High Season and to remove them every night until they are forced to relocate to another area that families are less likely to visit.

Weird plan though. Any families who go to Pattaya for a holiday should certainly already know about the famous nightlife. I haven't seen any families walking on the Beach at night. And I would think any families who ever decide to go to Walking Street actually want to see the gogo welcome girls and all the ladyboys walking around.

I guess I'll have to wait a couple of weeks and find out where the ladyboys have decided to relocate to.

26 October 2012

Fave Songs 001: Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You

Just found this on YouTube. One of my favourite songs ever

Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen.

Tom Cruise is Jack Reacher, LOL

I love the Jack Reacher novels written by Lee Child.

Jack Reacher is a 6ft 5in kick-ass master. Unfortunately they chose Tom Cruise to play him in the movie coming out this December.

First time I read this, I thought it was a joke. But it's not. Talk about shitty casting or the power of the $$$ in Hollywood or the Scientology puppet masters at work.

Tom Cruise should be embarrassed of stepping into Jack Reacher's shoes but he's either delusional or desperate for a few last paychecks. 

Lee Child should be ashamed of letting this happen but I guess he's busy enjoying the ton of money he's been given.

I would say there's no way I'll watch this movie but honestly, Singapore is much too boring for me to be able to guarantee this. I'm pretty sure that in about 6 months when this movie becomes available, I'll be bored enough (or I'll have sufficient bandwidth) to download it. So I'll watch it but I most likely won't finish it.

Facebook Stock - still down overall

Facebook's stock might be up today but it's still down from its rather ambitious IPO price.

While most of Facebook's founders are still rich, many of the investors have been burned big-time.

Frightful Ways to Quit Your Job

Yahoo! Finance has published 9 "frightful" ways to quit your job. Link here.

Nothing overly practical for us normal folks. Unless this damn blog ever provides me enough money, this is just a pipe dream.

24 October 2012

Gunman opens fire in Georgia megachurch

A gunman has opened fire in the chapel of the World Changers church of pastor Creflo Dollar, located in College Park, Georgia.

At least 1 person has been critically wounded.

The police are still looking for the gunman.

Apple iPad mini

The latest worst kept tech secret is out, Apple has announced the iPad mini.

List of features can be seen here.

I have always resisted buying an iPad because I see it as just an oversize iPhone. But with a trip to the US possibly coming soon, maybe maybe maybe I'll spring for an iPad mini. It might come down to what type of seats we can get on that plane.

Jetstar Asia's Fly Now Sale

Link can be found here.

Some pretty great deals to be found if you intend to fly in November and early December. The flights on offer to Bangkok, Phuket and a few other destinations are only for Tuesday to Thursday though.

BlackBerry Porsche P'9981

Wow this Blackberry looks goooooooooood.

These pics below are of the BlackBerry Porsche P'9981, the result of RIM's partnership with Porsche Design.

The only gripe I have is with the rather crass Porsche Design text at the top but then again if Louis Vuitton can sell bags with their brand written all over, why not?

But beware, this cool phone costs $2000 and availability is very limited.

Alicia Keys - No One

Alicia Keys is so talented, unlike that dumbo Rihanna.

One of my favourite songs.

23 October 2012

Pattaya Gogo Map

November 2012's version of Mike Baird's Pattaya Gogo Hopping Guide.

Features all the Gogos on Walking Street and Soi LK Metro.

My personal favourites: Champagne and Superbaby.


British Gas and Tom Daley

This Olympic diver has a rather unfortunate sponsor.

Dog nurses Kitten

Cute video of the day.

Three-year-old dachsund Remy is a first-time mom--but not to a litter of puppies. She's nursing a rescued kitten named Alvin, and she's even producing milk to feed him.

21 April 2012

Backheel Goal

No replays in this video. Had to play a couple of times to really see what he did there. Fancy stuff

14 April 2012

08 April 2012

Xherdan Shaqiri’s acrobatic scissor kick

Too bad Bayern Munich has already signed him.

VPN Service

Helpful little website I discovered today:

It basically allows you to get connected as a user from the US, UK, Canada or Switzerland. It's helpful when you live in a censorship-heavy country like Singapore and/or want to shop at US websites that keep forcing you to your country's local site (smile for the camera Aeropostale and Abercrombie & Fitch!)

Gardens by the Bay entry fees lower for residents

The Gardens by the Bay will charge differing entry fees on local residents and foreigners. Supposedly, the reason for doing this is to encourage people who live here to make return visits.

I'm still waiting for the part where they say how exactly they intend to fuck Permanent Residents in all this.

Heidi Klum files for divorce from Seal

Heidi Klum filed for divorce from Seal on Friday 6th April 2012.

She finally asked herself what everybody has been asking themselves for the last 7+ years: WTF?

Chinese teen sells kidney to buy iPhone and iPad

Wow Chinese people Apple fans are crazy. This Chinese teen sold his kidney for $3500 just to buy an iPhone and an iPad.

Too bad the iPhone will be outdated within 4 months and the iPad within a year.


06 April 2012

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy goes viral

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy goes viral but I think the babe in front looks better.

Tonia Sotiropoulou cast as Bond Girl in Skyfall

Tonia Sotiropoulou is cast in Skyfall, joining Berenice Marlohe and Naomie Harris as Bond Girls.

Just how many Girls do they need in there? Sounding more like Baywatch than Bond.

Dwight Howard vs Stan Van Gundy

Dwight Howard is a lying scumbag. What a fucking hypocrite.

APOEL Nicosia's Paulo Jorge gets teeth knocked out

Holy shit. His teammate's back must be made of steel.

Blake Griffin dunk over Pau Gasol

Just how cool is Blake Griffin?

Devil's Den Pattaya open throughout April 2012

Devil's Den Pattaya will be open throughout April 2012 (including the 8th, 9th and 10th) except the 19th.
